Discover the Rich Heritage of Italy with The Sibyllam Field School

The Sibyllam Field School is a biennial program organized by Studio Izzo that offers an immersive learning experience in the rich cultural heritage of Italy. The course is open to all professionals in the heritage and creative sectors, including museum curators, architects, collection managers, and conservators, as well as students in related fields.

Led by Carolina Izzo, The Sibyllam Field School takes participants on a journey through Italy's most beautiful cities, including Rome, Naples/Pompeii, Florence, and Venice. The program includes visits to world-renowned museums, historic landmarks and buildings, and hands-on workshops where participants can develop their skills and gain valuable knowledge in the industry.

The aim of The Sibyllam Field School is to provide participants with a deep understanding of Italian heritage, and to enhance their practice. Through carefully designed sessions, participants will gain insights into the history, conservation, and restoration of art and architecture in Europe’s home of heritage.

The broad skills of selected participants, the impressive exposure to Italian art and architecture, and industry professionals will provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience and bring depth to your practice.

The Sibyllam Field School offers a unique opportunity to learn from leading professionals in the field, network with peers, and discover the beauty and cultural richness of Italy. Join us for this unforgettable experience and enhance your understanding of tangible culture in a country known for its timelessness.


Studio Izzo is always looking to take on graduate interns who want to gain early career experience in the field of art conservation. Expressions of interest may only be considered.
"The Sibyllam project truly was a clichéd once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. Carolina and her friends showed us a side of cultural heritage that is impossible to learn in a university. Exploring Naples and Florence and working within cultural institutions whilst meeting such a supportive, welcoming and delightful team of people along the way was truly magnificent. Aside from all of the incredible hands-on preventative conservation opportunities, I haven’t laughed so hard in years, and am truly thankful to Carolina for such an incredible journey."
Emma, Australia